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image of person or book cover 8817399202634339348.jpg
Image courtesy of publisher's website.
y separately published work icon Time's Long Ruin : A Novel single work   novel  
Alternative title: The Second Fouling Mark
Issue Details: First known date: 2008... 2008 Time's Long Ruin : A Novel
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'Nine-year-old Henry Page is a club-footed, deep-thinking loner, spending his summer holidays reading, roaming the melting streets of his suburb, playing with his best friend Janice, and her younger brother and sister. Until one day Janice asks Henry to spend the day at the beach with them. He declines, a decision that will stay with him forever. Time's Long Ruin is based loosely on the disappearance of the Beaumont children from Glenelg beach on Australia Day, 1966. It's a novel about friendship, love and loss; a story about those left behind, and how they carry on.' (Publisher's blurb)


  • Epigraph:

    They are alive and well somewhere,/ The smallest sprout shows there is really no death,/ And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait/ At the end to arrest it,/ And ceas'd the moment life appear'd. //All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, /And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.

    -Walt Witman

    That all should change to ghost and glance and gleam, /And so transmuted stand beyond all change, /And we be poised between the unmoving dream /And the sole moving moment - this is strange. /Past all contrivance, word, or image, or sound, /Or silence, to express, that we who fall /Through time's long ruin should weave this phantom ground /And in its ghostly borders gather all. /There incorruptible the child plays still/ The lover waits beside the trysting tree /The good hour spans its heaven, and the ill, /Rapt in their silent immortality. /As in commemoration of a day /That having been can never pass away.

    -Edwin Muir

    For never was I not, nor thou, nor these kings; /Nor will any of us cease to be hereafter.


  • Based loosely on the disappearance of the Beaumont Children in 1966.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

First known date: 2008
    • Kent Town, Norwood, Payneham & St Peters area, Adelaide - North / North East, Adelaide, South Australia,: Wakefield Press , 2009 .
      image of person or book cover 8817399202634339348.jpg
      Image courtesy of publisher's website.
      Extent: 422p.
      • Published December 7th 2009
      ISBN: 9781862548305
Alternative title: Le temps n'efface rien : roman
Language: French
    • Paris,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Éd. France Loisirs ,
      2013 .
      image of person or book cover 5908898480849299280.jpg
      Cover image courtesy of publisher.
      Extent: 703p.p.
      ISBN: 9782298072808, 2298072809

Other Formats

Works about this Work

Ten Great Australian Beach Reads Set at the Beach Liz Ellison , 2018 single work review
— Appears in: The Conversation , 28 December 2018;

— Review of Floundering Romy Ash , 2012 single work novel ; Puberty Blues Kathy Lette , Gabrielle Carey , 1979 single work novel ; Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel ; Breath Tim Winton , 2008 single work novel ; The Empty Beach Peter Corris , 1983 single work novel ; The True Colour of the Sea Robert Drewe , 2018 selected work short story ; Atomic City Sally Breen , 2013 single work novel ; Not Meeting Mr Right Anita Heiss , 2007 single work novel ; After January Nick Earls , 1996 single work novel ; Bluebottle Belinda Castles , 2018 single work novel
'A Dozy City' : Adelaide in J.M. Coetzee's Slow Man and Amy T. Matthew's End of the Night Girl Gillian Dooley , 2014 single work criticism
— Appears in: Adelaide : A Literary City 2014; (p. 253-266)
A World Without Books – Or Kindle? Words Simply Fail Me Peter Goers , 2013 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 17 November vol. 17 November no. 2013; (p. 86)
A Novel Based on the 1966 Disappearance of the Beaumont Children Deborah Bogle , 2012 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 14 February 2012; (p. 22)
The Year's Work in Fiction : 2010-2011 David Whish-Wilson , 2011 single work review
— Appears in: Westerly , July vol. 56 no. 1 2011; (p. 167-188)

— Review of Equator : A Novel Wayne Ashton , 2010 single work novel ; Rocks in the Belly Jon Bauer , 2010 single work novel ; Traitor Stephen Daisley , 2010 single work novel ; The Vintage and the Gleaning Jeremy Chambers , 2008 single work novel ; The Grand Hotel : A Novel Gregory Day , 2010 single work novel ; What Is Left Over, After Natasha Lester , 2008 single work novel ; The Best Australian Stories 2010 2010 anthology short story extract ; Five Bells Gail Jones , 2011 single work novel ; The Mary Smokes Boys Patrick Holland , 2010 single work novel ; Glissando : A Melodrama David Musgrave , 2010 single work novel ; Below the Styx Michael Meehan , 2010 single work novel ; Indelible Ink Fiona McGregor , 2010 single work novel ; When Colts Ran Roger McDonald , 2010 single work novel ; Bereft Chris Womersley , 2010 single work novel ; Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel ; The Legacy Kirsten Tranter , 2010 single work novel ; That Deadman Dance Kim Scott , 2010 single work novel
[Review] Time's Long Ruin Gillian Dooley , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: The Adelaide Review , March no. 361 2010; (p. 37)

— Review of Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel
Take Three Ian McFarlane , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: Sunday Canberra Times , 7 March 2010; (p. 26)

— Review of Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel ; Keeping Faith Roger Averill , 2010 single work novel ; Once on a Road Mary-Ellen Mullane , 2010 single work novel
Henry's Vantage Gillian Dooley , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , April no. 320 2010; (p. 14)

— Review of Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel
Nightmare in the Suburbs Peter Pierce , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 2-4 April 2010; (p. 38)

— Review of Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel
Lament for a Vanished Childhood World Jo Case , 2010 single work review
— Appears in: The Age , 10 April 2010; (p. 23)

— Review of Time's Long Ruin : A Novel Stephen Orr , 2008 single work novel
Wake in Fright Penelope Debelle , 2010 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 23 January 2010; (p. 10-16)
Beaumont Children Novel on Short List Deborah Bogle , 2011 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 15 February 2011; (p. 13)
A Novel Based on the 1966 Disappearance of the Beaumont Children Deborah Bogle , 2012 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 14 February 2012; (p. 22)
A World Without Books – Or Kindle? Words Simply Fail Me Peter Goers , 2013 single work column
— Appears in: The Advertiser , 17 November vol. 17 November no. 2013; (p. 86)
'A Dozy City' : Adelaide in J.M. Coetzee's Slow Man and Amy T. Matthew's End of the Night Girl Gillian Dooley , 2014 single work criticism
— Appears in: Adelaide : A Literary City 2014; (p. 253-266)
Last amended 4 Feb 2025 09:45:59
  • Croydon, Charles Sturt area, Adelaide - Northwest, Adelaide, South Australia,
  • Semaphore, Port Adelaide - Enfield area, Adelaide - Northwest, Adelaide, South Australia,
  • 1960s
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