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Enjoy a Good Short Story : Bruce Gillespie’s Favourite Short Fiction (SF and Fantasy) Published 1977-2006
single work
— Appears in: Steam Engine Time , October no. 7 2007; (p. 28-29)
— Review of The Battle of Acosta Nu 1985 single work short story ; Looking Forward to the Harvest 1991 single work short story ; Inhabiting the Interspaces 1979 single work short story ; Pie Row Joe 1978 single work short story ; The Caress 1990 single work short story ; The Fittest 1985 single work short story ; A Map of the Mines of Barnath 1995 single work short story ; On the Turn 1986 single work short story ; The Bone Ship 2003 single work short story ; Angel Thing 1995 single work short story ; Not with Love 1995 single work short story ; A Man and His Dreams 1996 single work short story ; Wooden Bride 2004 single work short story ; The Dove Game 2003 single work short story ; White Time 2003 single work short story ; The Gloaming 2000 single work short story ; Number 3 Raw Place 2004 single work short story ; Singing My Sister Down 2004 single work short story ; The Grinding House 2005 selected work short story novella ; Basic Black 1978 single work short story ; One Thing About the Night 2005 single work short story ; Fresh Young Widow 2005 single work short story ; Bones 2004 single work short story ; Re-Deem the Time 1978 single work short story
Enjoy a Good Short Story : Bruce Gillespie’s Favourite Short Fiction (SF and Fantasy) Published 1977-2006
single work
— Appears in: Steam Engine Time , October no. 7 2007; (p. 28-29)
— Review of The Battle of Acosta Nu 1985 single work short story ; Looking Forward to the Harvest 1991 single work short story ; Inhabiting the Interspaces 1979 single work short story ; Pie Row Joe 1978 single work short story ; The Caress 1990 single work short story ; The Fittest 1985 single work short story ; A Map of the Mines of Barnath 1995 single work short story ; On the Turn 1986 single work short story ; The Bone Ship 2003 single work short story ; Angel Thing 1995 single work short story ; Not with Love 1995 single work short story ; A Man and His Dreams 1996 single work short story ; Wooden Bride 2004 single work short story ; The Dove Game 2003 single work short story ; White Time 2003 single work short story ; The Gloaming 2000 single work short story ; Number 3 Raw Place 2004 single work short story ; Singing My Sister Down 2004 single work short story ; The Grinding House 2005 selected work short story novella ; Basic Black 1978 single work short story ; One Thing About the Night 2005 single work short story ; Fresh Young Widow 2005 single work short story ; Bones 2004 single work short story ; Re-Deem the Time 1978 single work short story
- 2005 honour list James Tiptree, Jr Award
Last amended 15 Dec 2016 13:43:19
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