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AbstractHistoryArchive Description
'Isabeau has remained in exile on the Spine of the World, for Lachlan has not forgiven her for saving Maya from death and giving the Ensorcellor back her daughter Bronwyn. Isabeau is unhappy that her actions should be so misunderstood, but gains some measure of peace getting to know her parents and spending each winter with the Khan'cohbans as the queen-dragon had commanded. The time comes when she must undertake her journey of initiation to the Skull of the World, where the cruel and enigmatic Gods of White will reveal her destiny to her. On this journey she will face many dangers but by overcoming them, will finally discover her true Talent. She is at last free to return to Lucescere and the Tower of Two Moons, where she plans to study to be a sorceress. Meanwhile, Iseult and Lachlan have been busy with the invasion of Tìrsoilleir. While they are away fighting the Bright Soldiers, Margrit the Thistle kidnaps their son Donncan, the heir to the throne, and her grandson, Iain's son Neil. There is no-one but Isabeau left in Lucescere to try and save them. Alone, she has to try and vanquish Margrit, the cruellest and most subtle sorceress in the land.'
Source: Author's website (Sighted 15/4/10)
Australian Popular Medievalism
Dedication: for Dani, Michelle and Sarah, soul sisters and kindred spirits, in memory of the many wondrous adventures we've shared growing up together.
Epigraph: Natural magic ... is nothing more than the deepest of the secrets of nature. Del Rio, Disquisitiones Magicae, 1606
Epigraph: Nature performs in a natural way the things that the magician achieves by his art. Pico Della Mirandola, Conclusiones Philosophicae, Cabbalisticae et Theologicae, 1486
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Works about this Work
[Review] The Skull of the World [and] The Fathomless Caves
single work
— Appears in: Fiction Focus : New Titles for Teenagers , vol. 17 no. 1 2003; (p. 40)
— Review of The Skull of the World 2001 single work novel ; The Fathomless Caves 2002 single work novel -
[Review] The Skull of the World
single work
— Appears in: Imago : New Writing , vol. 13 no. 3 2001; (p. 186-187)
— Review of The Skull of the World 2001 single work novel
[Review] The Skull of the World [and] The Fathomless Caves
single work
— Appears in: Fiction Focus : New Titles for Teenagers , vol. 17 no. 1 2003; (p. 40)
— Review of The Skull of the World 2001 single work novel ; The Fathomless Caves 2002 single work novel -
[Review] The Skull of the World
single work
— Appears in: Imago : New Writing , vol. 13 no. 3 2001; (p. 186-187)
— Review of The Skull of the World 2001 single work novel