AustLit is the result of a unique collaboration between Australian universities, the National Library of Australia and the Australian Research Council.
AustLit is led by The University of Queensland which has provided generous support and funding to enable the successful delivery of its services to the research and education sector in Australia and internationally.
The following Australian universities and organisations are currently contributors to AustLit:
The University of Queensland | University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy | University of Sydney | Monash University | Queensland University of Technology | University of Wollongong | James Cook University | Flinders University | University of Western Australia | University of Canberra | Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Studies (AIATSIS)
The National Library of Australia provided technical and legal assistance to AustLit in its development phase and continues to provide advice and access to its services. All library holdings data provided by AustLit is drawn from The National Bibliographic Database via Trove and LibrariesAustralia by permission of the National Library. Author images are also provided by kind permission of the National Library, via its Pictures Catalogue, and by PictureAustralia services. The University of Tasmania was a consortium member from 2006-2009.
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