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Teaching Aust. Lit.
Teaching Aust. Lit.
Welcome to the Teaching Australian Literature Resource
(Status : Public)
  • We need your help!

    Are you teaching Australian texts at universities in Australia?

    Please send us a quick email to with a list of the texts you're teaching, the title of the course, and your university.

    We're recording the ebbs and flows of the teaching of Australian literature, film, and other texts. Explore some of the stats below.

    Are you surprised to know that Patrick White is still the most taught author? Or that Kate Grenville's The Secret River has been taught in at least 65 courses? Or that Miles Franklin's My Brilliant Career has been a very popular text in 2015?

    We aim to keep collecting details of what texts are being taught year by year so that the shifts, changes, and status of Australian literature teaching can be explored over decade. You can help by simply telling us what you teach, or what is being taught at your university.


    Did you know …

  • Search, Explore, Discover

  • The Advanced search engine can be used to find the works, authors, and units that are being taught in tertiary institutions. You can limit your search to texts that have Teaching Aust. Lit. data by selecting the TAL option from the project dropdown. If, for example, you would like to find works published in 2012 that are listed in TAL, select the Teaching Aust. Lit. option from the project section, enter 2012 in the First Known Date option in the Publication Details tab, press enter or click search and you'll find a list.

    Below are some example searches.

  • List of All Units Collected

    Search results showing all tertiary courses teaching Australian Literature that have been collected by the TAL project.

    From here you can use the "Teaching Filters" to narrow down the year of teaching, the category of the unit, and the institution at which the unit was taught, for example:

    Or combine the filters:

  • Most Taught Texts

    Search results showing the most taught Australian texts in tertiary institutions.

    From here you can apply the various filters to the left of the search results, for example:

  • This image has been sourced from online.
  • Most Taught Authors

  • Images by permission of the National Library of Australia.

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