Is part of
Super Geeks
series - author
graphic novel
in series)
Issue Details:
First known date:
Planet Pancake
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description
'Zeek and Arnie are back in another hilarious action-packed adventure featuring pirates, pancakes and the edge of the world . . .
'When Zeek and Arnie hear about a heap of TREASURE at the edge of the world, they decide to investigate. Zeek wants to use the treasure to fund his quest for WORLD DOMINATION! But how will they get there? After using their inventing skills to build a ship, the Enchilada, they sail off with Eleanor. But there’s trouble brewing on the horizon . . . What will Zeek and Arnie find at the edge of the world? Will it be TREASURE or TROUBLE? And . . . are they really alone?' (Publication summary)
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Last amended 15 Apr 2021 10:02:35
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