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A series about dinosaur robots.
1y Dino Hunter Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2017 11312498 2017 single work children's fiction children's fantasy science fiction
'Dinosaurs are back, and on the loose!
'It's up to D-Bot Squad to catch them.
'Hunter Marks knows everything there is to know about dinosaurs. But does he know enough to pass the computer game test and make it into top-secret D-Bot Squad?' (Publication summary)
2y Sky High Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2017 11312562 2017 single work children's fiction children's science fiction fantasy
'There's a pterodactyl on the loose and Hunter must catch it. Dino Corp is depending on him. Will the d-bot he made be up for the job?' (Publication summary)
3y Double Trouble Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2017 11312624 2017 single work children's fiction children's fantasy science fiction
'When Hunter finds himself high in the sky in the clutches of a quetzalcoatlus, he knows he needs help. Who can free him? And will it be in time to catch a mega flying dinosaur?' (Publication summary)
4y Big Stink Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2017 11312677 2017 single work children's fiction children's fantasy science fiction
'Hunter thinks he's built the perfect d-bot for hunting down a fully grown stegosaurus - an enormous, slow-moving fart machine. But things don't always go to plan...' (Publication summary)
5y Stack Attack Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2017 11533007 2017 single work children's fiction children's fantasy science fiction
'Hunter and Charlie have made the best double d-bot to catch an argentinosaurus. But they have a new friend to save first. And will the double d-bot work for two even bigger dinosaurs?'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
6y Deep Dive Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2017 11533101 2017 single work children's fiction children's science fiction fantasy
'Hunter and his team dive deep under the sea to catch five kronosauruses. But soon they become the meat in a giant squid and krono sandwich . . .'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
7y Mega Hatch Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2018 12246932 2018 single work children's fiction children's science fiction fantasy
'A super-exciting series about DINOSAUR ROBOTS for first readers...from the creators of the bestselling Boy vs Beast series. A world kids will love, using words they can read.
'Dinosaurs are back, and on the loose!
'It's up to D-Bot Squad to catch them.
'Dinosaurs are running wild all over the place! Hunter and his team must hatch their best plan yet. But that's not the only thing hatching...' (Publication summary) -
8y Dino Corp Crows Nest : Allen and Unwin , 2018 12246988 2018 single work children's fiction children's science fiction fantasy
'Dinosaurs are back, and on the loose!
'It's up to D-Bot Squad to catch them.
'Hunter, Charlie and Ethan must save the last and wildest of all the dinosaurs - the T-rex! Will the team finally find out where all the dinosaurs came from?' (Publication summary)
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Works about this Work
Louise Park and Susannah McFarlane on Co-Authoring
single work
— Appears in: Magpies : Talking About Books for Children , July vol. 32 no. 3 2017; (p. 8-9)'For the past eight years Susannah McFarlane and Louise Park have co-written fantasy action books aimed at getting the most reluctant of readers, often boys, hooked into reading. Under the name Mac Park, Susannah and Louise have created the much loved Boy vs Beast (Scholastic) and, in July, the new series D-Bot Squad is launched by Allen & Unwin. Susannah and Lousie, who live in different cities, talk about their rather unique writing partnership.' (Introduction)
Louise Park and Susannah McFarlane on Co-Authoring
single work
— Appears in: Magpies : Talking About Books for Children , July vol. 32 no. 3 2017; (p. 8-9)'For the past eight years Susannah McFarlane and Louise Park have co-written fantasy action books aimed at getting the most reluctant of readers, often boys, hooked into reading. Under the name Mac Park, Susannah and Louise have created the much loved Boy vs Beast (Scholastic) and, in July, the new series D-Bot Squad is launched by Allen & Unwin. Susannah and Lousie, who live in different cities, talk about their rather unique writing partnership.' (Introduction)