This page offers an overview of how to find critical works on AustLit, search options and pre-set searches, and access to selected research projects.
Since its inception, AustLit has worked to create a detailed list not only of Australian story-telling, but also of the complex critical debates around publishing, literature, print cultures, and other forms of creating and disseminating stories.
Not solely a bibliography of fiction or an index of criticism, AustLit combines the two, presenting curated lists of critical works in conjunction with the history of the works they critique.
AustLit also publishes original, long-form criticism, including recent works on the Literature of Tasmania and Australian actors.
AustLit's long history and rich database allows it the unique position of being both research infrastructure and research publisher.
As of 2019, AustLit records details of more than 39,000 works of criticism, including the contents of 250 peer-reviewed journals and records for over 300 monographs.
Looking for more information? Read all about AustLit.
Use the box below for a keyword search on criticism.
Or use Advanced Search for more targeted and complex searches.
Some popular search results have been included in the tables below.
By Form
Critical works on:
Drama Film and television Children's fiction Life writing Poetry Genre fiction
By Genre
Critical works on:
Crime Horror Science fiction / fantasy Romance -
AustLit regularly collates specific subsets of our data and presents them as online exhibitions or information trails. We also support and publish research projects by AustLit staff and external researchers.
You can find all the exhibitions and trails by checking out AustLit's research page, or explore the tiles below for specific exhibitions and AustLit publications.
These tiles list both collections of criticism republished on AustLit and original substantive criticism published by AustLit.
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