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Teaching with Fantasy
Australian Fantasy Writers in Conversation and in the Classroom
(Status : Public)
Coordinated by Teaching with ...
  • Resources for Teachers and Students

    Welcome to the AustLit Teaching with Fantasy Learning Resources

    We are delighted to be delivering a rich collection of teaching and learning resources for these inspiring and exciting texts. 

    Click on the tiles to find links to teachers' notes, lesson ideas, author biographies and links to details of all of each authors' works.

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-orange)

      Ambelin Kwaymullina

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-pink)

      Alison Goodman

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-darkerblue)

      Sean Williams

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-orange)

      Isobelle Carmody

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-pink)

      Jodi McAlister

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-darkerblue)

      Maria Lewis

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-orange)

      Anthony Eaton

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-pink)

      Kim Wilkins

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-darkerblue)

      About This Project

  • Teaching with Fantasy and the Australian Curriculum

  • The Teaching with Fantasy workshop directly targets the requirement in the Australian Curriculum: English for students to be reading and analysing a range of texts, to include fantasy and speculative fiction, including literature from Australia. Moreover, the authors represented at the PD day explore themes of interpersonal relationships and ethical dilemmas. More specifically, the day hits a number of content descriptions, including the expectation that students:

  • reflect on ideas and opinions about characters, setting and events


    examine the way language is used to create characters and influence reader’s emotions


    analyse the ways that characterisation, events and setting combine in narratives


    recognise and explain differing opinions about the world as represented in texts


    analyse, interpret and use various uses of text structures, language and techniques, including to create tone

    ACELT1630, ACELT1767, ACELT1632, ACELT1637

    explore notions of literary value and why such notions vary according to context


    evaluate the appeal of an individual author’s style


    explore and reflect on personal understandings of the world and significant human experiences gained from interpreting various life matters in texts, including fantasy stories


  • This is just a small selection of specific links to the Australian Curriculum drawn from the Literature Strand alone, and across Year 7 to 9.

  • 493

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