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'In his article "Politics of Indigeneity in Fogarty's Poetry" Sean Gorman discusses
Indigenous themes and issues with regards to the poetry of Murri writer Lionel Fogarty. As Fogarty
is seen as a poet who writes complex prose, his material challenges non-Indigenous readerships
by subverting Standard English and conventional reading practices. Gorman suggests strategies by
which to engage with Fogarty's material and, employing the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin, namely
heteroglossia and dialogism, to arrive at a better understanding of the rich and complex nature of
Fogarty's work. Gorman executes his analysis in relation to the political debates that have arisen
since the Little Children Are Sacred report was made public and the intervention in Australia's
Northern Territory occurred in 2007.' (Editor's abstract)
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Last amended 18 Sep 2012 15:21:09
Politics of Indigeneity in Fogarty's Poetry
CLCWeb : Comparative Literature and Culture
- The Buzz 1984 single work poetry
- New and Selected Poems : Munaldjali, Mutuerjaraera 1995 selected work poetry
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