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Being Mike Ladd single work   poetry   "Are you Mike?, said the lady organiser of the poetry gathering,"
Issue Details: First known date: 2010... 2010 Being Mike Ladd
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Season of a New Heart : Poets Corner Anthology John Pfitzner (editor), Jude Aquilina (editor), Russ Talbot (editor), Wayville : Effective Living Centre , 2010 Z1772157 2010 anthology poetry Wayville : Effective Living Centre , 2010 pg. 66-67
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Friendly Street : New Poets Sixteen John Brydon , Mike Hopkins , Simon Hanson , Kent Town : Wakefield Press , 2011 Z1797911 2011 selected work poetry 'John Brydon - Voyages to Another Planet
    On subsequent readings emerge the fine but exact threads of contact between each poem. The author shows much lyricism and imagery powerful to the extent that it belies the paucity of words used to achieve it. The poems are serious, the collection serious, but there is no darkness here, rather an openness from inherent strength.

    'Mike Hopkins - Mistaken for a Real Poet
    Here is the sardonic and wry mixed with the sincere and heartfelt. When things go further into satirical mode, it turns out to be the poet himself held up for a cutting or frank touch. There is art here as well as artfulness, in a collection showing a literate skill in poem construction, imagery and approach.

    'Simon J. Hanson - Glowing in the Dark
    Strong and able form is employed rigorously throughout these poems. No words are wasted ... the author has an idea for a poem and works it with dexterity and aplomb. On a second and third reading, I found further depth, a professional, tested flowing style from poem to poem.' (Publication summary)

    Kent Town : Wakefield Press , 2011
    pg. 37
Last amended 17 Nov 2011 10:11:27
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