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'In this essay I want to lay out the context for the development of the study of post-colonial literatures and post-colonial reading strategies, then move on to consider in a little more detail some significant aspects of the field in its early form. I will conclude by examining the effects of post-colonial criticism on ways of reading the work of three Australian writers: Judith Wright, Randolph Stow, and Patrick White' (95).
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Last amended 5 Dec 2011 10:01:39
Post Colonialism and Literary Criticism in Australia

Post Colonialism and Literary Criticism in Australia

- An Imaginary Life : A Novel 1978 single work novel
- Among Worlds : An Introduction to Modern Commonwealth and South African Fiction 1975 single work criticism
- Reading the Dream 1991 single work criticism
- The Empire Writes Back : Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures 1989 single work criticism
- The De-Dominionisation of Australia 1979 single work criticism
- Intervention Pay Day 2008 single work poetry
- Jack Maggs 1997 single work novel
- Woman to Man 1949 selected work poetry
- South of My Days : A Biography of Judith Wright 1998 single work biography
- The Generations of Men 1959 single work prose
- A Fringe of Leaves 1976 single work novel
- Mutant Message Down Under 1991 single work novel
- Medievalism and the Gothic in Australian Culture 2005 anthology criticism
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