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Issue Details: First known date: 1983... 1983 British Influence on the Development of the Australian Booktrade
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

This thesis examines the nature and extent of British influence on the development of the Australian book trade from its beginnings. It focuses in particular on the twentieth century and the restrictive practices introduced by British publishers in order to control the Australian market; these included the Traditional Market Agreement, the closing of the market, and the Statement of Terms. It traces the uneven development of a local publishing industry in this context, and the rise and fall of the Australian Independent Publishers Association in the 1970s.


  • MA thesis, Graduate School of Librarianship, Monash University.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

      Melbourne, Victoria,: 1983 .
      Extent: 151p.
Last amended 13 Sep 2006 17:51:28