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As a Woman Grows Older single work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 2004... 2004 As a Woman Grows Older
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Best Australian Stories 2004 Frank Moorhouse (editor), Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2004 Z1156471 2004 anthology short story Melbourne : Black Inc. , 2004 pg. 185-202
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon Where There's Smoke : Outstanding Short Stories by Australian Men Black Inc. (editor), Collingwood : Black Inc. , 2015 8700359 2015 anthology short story

    'Where There's Smoke presents outstanding short fiction by Australia's finest male writers. These are tales of love, secrets, doubt and torment, the everyday and the extraordinary.

    'A man sleeps at the site of a massacre and wakes refreshed. An unassuming piano tuner is sent off to contribute to the war effort. A woman with Alzheimer's is dragged along by her interfering son to visit Uluru.

    'Brilliant, shocking and profound, these tales will leave you reeling in ways that only a great short story can.

    'Chris Womersley Murray Bail Tim Winton Rodney Hall David Malouf Tony Birch Shane Maloney Ryan O'Neill Nam Le Kim Scott

    'and many more' (Publication summary)

    Collingwood : Black Inc. , 2015
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Pole and Other Stories J. M. Coetzee , Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2023 26031899 2023 selected work short story

    'Nobel Laureate J. M. Coetzee reaffirms his place as one of the English language's most acclaimed authors with this fascinating examination of life, death and animals.

    'These six stories by Nobel-Prize-winning J. M. Coetzee remind us that he is a writer whose language explores moral and emotional quandaries, often with wry humour. In the lead story, 'The Pole', set in Spain, concert pianist Witold attempts to play out a romantic fantasy with local music devotee Beatriz, who is considerably younger and whose marriage has gone cold. In person and in their correspondence, he is persistent, she resistant, but curious. It doesn't end quite as she might have imagined.

    'The redoubtable character of Elizabeth Costello, now in her seventies, appears in four stories, engaging in philosophical discussions about death, motherhood and ethics with her adult children, in particular her son John. In the last story, 'The Dog', a young woman confronts a vicious dog- '"Curse you to hell!" she says. Then she mounts her bicycle and sets off up the hill.' (Publication summary)

    Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2023
Alternative title: Als Een Vrouw Ouder Wordt
Transliterated title: As a woman ages
Language: Dutch
    • Amsterdam,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Cossee ,
      2008 .
      image of person or book cover 1243506634798043374.jpg
      Image courtesy of publisher's website.
      Extent: 91p.
      Edition info: 1st ed.
      • Speciaal voor de Boekenweek 2008 uitgegeven.

        Specially issued for the Book Week 2008.

        Bevat tevens: 'Aan de poort'. Oorspr. verschenen in: Elizabeth Costello. Viking, 2003.

        Also contains: 'At the Gate'. Orig. published in: Elizabeth Costello. Viking, 2003.

      ISBN: 9059361857 (hbk), 9789059361850 (hbk)
    • The Hague,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Stichting Uitgeverij XL ,
      2008 .
      Extent: 89p.
      ISBN: 9046304949, 9789046304945
      Series: y separately published work icon XL The Hague : Stichting Uitgeverij XL , 1994- 7962272 1994 series - publisher novel

      A series of large-print books published by Stichting Uitgeverij XL. Translations of J. M. Coetzee's novels feature in this series.

      Number in series: 1475
Last amended 2 Dec 2014 08:11:54
  • Nice,
    Western Europe, Europe,
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