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* Contents derived from the
Milsons Point,
North Sydney - Lane Cove area,
Sydney Northern Suburbs,
New South Wales,:Random House
, 1994 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Centennial Park Sydney 23.10.1973
Letters from Our Heart,
single work
(p. 422-423)
Note: With title: [Untitled]
White Words, Dark Whispers,
single work
(p. 593-594)
Note: Letter untitled in this source.
The White Letters,
single work
Note: Letters untitled in this source.
White's Passions,
single work
Note: Letters untitled in this source.
- Untitled, single work correspondence
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Other Formats
- Also sound recording.
Works about this Work
Heriot's Ithaka : Soul, Country and the Possibility of Home in To The Islands
single work
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 14 no. 3 2014; 'The final line of Randolph Stow's To the Islands - " 'My soul', he whispered, over the sea-surge, 'my should is a strange country'" - has perplexed and fascinated readers and critics for five decades. In 1975 Leonie Kramer found Stow's final sentence to be misplaced: ‘It belongs – if indeed it belongs at all – not at the end of a novel of this kind, but near the beginning'. At a time when interest in Stow and his work is again on the ascendency, this paper investigates what Heriot might have appreciated his soul to be, before arguing that he could not have spoken those resonant words until the very moment when he is blinded by illumination atop the coastal cliff. Heriot walks into homelessness in a quest for home. Like Cavafy's ideal voyager his journey is long and hard, and only once he discovers his soul can he appreciate he has no home. Only then can he understand the true meaning of the islands.' (Publication abstract) -
The Solid Mandala and Patrick White’s Late Modernity
single work
— Appears in: Transnational Literature , November vol. 4 no. 1 2011; 'This essay contends that the Australian novelist Patrick White (1912-1990) presents, in his novel The Solid Mandala (1966), a prototypical evocation of late modernity that indicates precisely why and how it was different from the neoliberal and postmodern era that succeeded it. Late modernity is currently emerging as a historical period, though still a nascent and contested one. Robert Hassan speaks of the 1950-1970 era as a period which, in its 'Fordist' mode of production maintained a certain conformity yet held off the commoditisation of later neoliberalism's 'network-driven capitalism'. This anchors the sense of 'late modernity,' that will operate in this essay, though my sense of the period also follows on definitions of the term established, in very different contexts, by Edward Lucie-Smith and Tyrus Miller.' (Author's introduction)
Locating Voss within Change, Conflict and Convergence
single work
— Appears in: Change - Conflict and Convergence : Austral-Asian Scenarios 2010; (p. 125-139) 'This article attempts to locate Patrick White's Voss within postcolonial and postmodern discourse, focussing on themes of identity, space, history and belonging. Written in 1957, the test is a fusion of fact and fiction and in its intermingling of genres accommodates varying ideas as well as responses. Underlying the narrative is a determined attempt by White to comprehend past narratives of the Australian continent and its inhabitants so as to grasp some understandings about them and possibly reconstitute a new world.' (p. 125)
single work
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 13-14 January 1996; (p. rev 9)
— Review of Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence -
Man Without a Country
single work
— Appears in: The New York Times Book Review , 21 July 1996; (p. 10-11)
— Review of Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence
Scholarly White
single work
— Appears in: The CRNLE Reviews Journal , no. 1-2 1995; (p. 128-132)
— Review of Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence -
A Crueller Shade of White
single work
— Appears in: The Independent Monthly , November vol. 6 no. 5 1994; (p. 72-74)
— Review of Out in the Open : An Autobiography 1994 single work autobiography ; Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence -
A Life and Some Letters
single work
— Appears in: Eureka Street , December vol. 4 no. 10 1994; (p. 30-32)
— Review of Out in the Open : An Autobiography 1994 single work autobiography ; Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence -
A Man of Letters
single work
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , November no. 166 1994; (p. 6-7)
— Review of Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence -
A Powerful Sense of Mortality
single work
— Appears in: Voices , Summer (1994-1995) vol. 4 no. 4 1994; (p. 99-102)
— Review of Patrick White : Letters 1994 selected work correspondence -
Locating Voss within Change, Conflict and Convergence
single work
— Appears in: Change - Conflict and Convergence : Austral-Asian Scenarios 2010; (p. 125-139) 'This article attempts to locate Patrick White's Voss within postcolonial and postmodern discourse, focussing on themes of identity, space, history and belonging. Written in 1957, the test is a fusion of fact and fiction and in its intermingling of genres accommodates varying ideas as well as responses. Underlying the narrative is a determined attempt by White to comprehend past narratives of the Australian continent and its inhabitants so as to grasp some understandings about them and possibly reconstitute a new world.' (p. 125)
The Solid Mandala and Patrick White’s Late Modernity
single work
— Appears in: Transnational Literature , November vol. 4 no. 1 2011; 'This essay contends that the Australian novelist Patrick White (1912-1990) presents, in his novel The Solid Mandala (1966), a prototypical evocation of late modernity that indicates precisely why and how it was different from the neoliberal and postmodern era that succeeded it. Late modernity is currently emerging as a historical period, though still a nascent and contested one. Robert Hassan speaks of the 1950-1970 era as a period which, in its 'Fordist' mode of production maintained a certain conformity yet held off the commoditisation of later neoliberalism's 'network-driven capitalism'. This anchors the sense of 'late modernity,' that will operate in this essay, though my sense of the period also follows on definitions of the term established, in very different contexts, by Edward Lucie-Smith and Tyrus Miller.' (Author's introduction)
Whites of a Different Hue
single work
— Appears in: The Australian , 12 January 1994; (p. 20) -
White's Gift from the Grave
single work
— Appears in: The Sydney Morning Herald , 10 September 1994; (p. 14A) -
Memoirs by Mail : The Private Writings of Patrick White
single work
— Appears in: Good Weekend , 17 September 1994; (p. 18-19,21-23,25-26)
Last amended 11 Jun 2020 14:46:39
- The Solid Mandala 1966 single work novel
- The Vivisector 1970 single work novel
- The Eye of the Storm 1973 single work novel
- A Fringe of Leaves 1976 single work novel
- The Twyborn Affair 1979 single work novel
- Voss : A Novel 1957 single work novel
- The Tree of Man 1955 single work novel
- Riders in the Chariot 1961 single work novel
- The Season at Sarsaparilla : A Charade of Suburbia in Two Acts 1962 single work drama
- The Burnt Ones 1964 selected work short story
- The Aunt's Story 1948 single work novel
- The Cockatoos : Shorter Novels and Stories 1974 selected work short story
- The Ham Funeral 1947 single work drama
- Happy Valley : A Novel 1939 single work novel
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