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AbstractHistoryArchive Description
'Through the crumbling ruins of the once splendid Xanadu, Miss Hare wanders, half-mad. In the wilderness she stumbles upon an Aboriginal artist and a Jewish refugee. They place themselves in the care of a local washerwoman. In a world of pervasive evil, all four have been independently damaged and discarded. Now in one shared vision they find themselves bound together, understanding the possibility of redemption.'
Source: Publisher's blurb (Vintage ed.).
Dedication: For Klari Daniel and Ben Huebsch
Epigraph: Excerpt from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 'A Memorable Fancy', plates 12-13.
“The Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel dined with me, and I asked them how they dared so roundly to assert, that God spoke to them; and whether they did not think at the time, that they would be misunderstood, & so be the cause of imposition.
Isaiah answer’d, I saw no God, nor heard any, in a finite organical perception; but my senses discover’d the infinite in every thing, and as I was then persuaded, & remain confirm’d; that the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God, I cared not for consequences but wrote.”I then asked Ezekiel why he eat dung, & lay so long on his right & left side? he answer’d, ‘the desire of raising other men into a perception of the infinite; this the North American tribes practise, & is he honest who resists his genius or conscience. only for the sake of present ease or gratification?'
First double winner of the Miles Franklin Award.
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Other Formats
- Braille.
- Sound recording.
Works about this Work
Unsettling Archive : Suburbs in Australian Fiction
single work
— Appears in: The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel 2023; -
Packing Death in Australian Literature : Ecocides and Eco-Sides London : Routledge , 2020 19932417 2020 multi chapter work criticism
'Packing Death in Australian Literature: Ecocides and Eco-Sides addresses Australian Literature from ecocritical, animal studies, plant studies, indigenous studies, and posthumanist critical perspectives. The book’s main purpose is twofold: to bring more sustained attention to environmental, vegetal, and animal rights issues, past and present, and to do that from within the discipline of literary studies. Literary studies in Australia continue to reflect disinterest or not enough interest in critical engagements with the subjects of Australia’s oldest extant environments and other beings beside humans.
'Packing Death in Australian Literature: Ecocides and Eco-Sides foregrounds the vegetal and nonhuman animal populations and contours of Australian Literature. Critical studies relied on in Packing Death in Australian Literature: Ecocides and Eco-Sides include books by Simon C. Estok, Bill Gammage, Timothy Morton, Bruce Pascoe, Val Plumwood, Kate Rigby, John Ryan, Wendy Wheeler, Cary Wolfe, and Robert Zeller. The selected literary texts include work by Merlinda Bobis, Eric Yoshiaki Dando, Nugi Garimara, Francesca Rendle-Short, Patrick White, and Evie Wyld.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.
The Infinite in Everything : Patrick White’s Riders in the Chariot
single work
— Appears in: Sydney Review of Books , July 2018;'During my childhood in Castle Hill, a western Sydney suburb of housing developments, colonial weatherboards and bush blocks, I walked each week from school to piano lessons. The route took me down Showground Road where Patrick White and his partner Manoly bought six acres and a bungalow—‘a bit of Strathfield in a paddock’—in 1948. They named their house Dogwoods, and lived there for eighteen years.' (Introduction)
The Boredom and Futility of War in Patrick White's Fiction
single work
— Appears in: Le Simplegadi , April no. 15 2016; (p. 65-73) This article investigates the representation of war in terms of uselessness and waste in the fiction of Patrick White, with a particular emphasis on the short story “After Alep”, written in 1945 when the writer was enrolled in the RAF as an Intelligence Officer. By analysing the story in the light of White’s approach to the war as to “the most horrifying and wasteful period” of his life (Marr 1992: 493), the article attempts to demonstrate how the narrative devices used by White contribute to demythologize the rhetoric of the war and of war heroes in a way that may be instrumental in conveying a message of peace out of the ultimate sense of futility transmitted by any war. -
"Reclaiming the Rubbish" : Outcasts, Transformation and the Topos of the Painter/Seer in the Work of Patrick White and David Malouf
single work
— Appears in: Le Simplegadi , no. 16 2016; (p. 27-36)Settled by white convicts and often by people with few prospects in the Old World, Australia was sometimes thought of negatively as a dumping ground of miscreants and ne’er-do-wells. This paper traces how, post-war, this perception was challenged in the fiction of Patrick White and David Malouf, which depicts local versions of the outcast artist in actual rubbish dumps and the creative, regenerative transformations that can occur there.
Fiction Chronicle
single work
— Appears in: Meanjin Quarterly , December vol. 20 no. 4 1961; (p. 474-491)
— Review of Riders in the Chariot 1961 single work novel -
Patrick White's Chariot
single work
— Appears in: Nation , 21 October 1961; (p. 21-2)
— Review of Riders in the Chariot 1961 single work novel -
White's Triumphal Chariot
single work
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , November vol. 1 no. 1 1961; (p. 1-3)
— Review of Riders in the Chariot 1961 single work novel -
[Review] Riders in the Chariot
single work
— Appears in: Commonweal , 24 November no. 75 1961; (p. 235)
— Review of Riders in the Chariot 1961 single work novel -
[Review] Riders in the Chariot
single work
— Appears in: New Statesman , 3 November no. 62 1961; (p. 653)
— Review of Riders in the Chariot 1961 single work novel -
Imagery and Structure in Patrick White's Novels
single work
— Appears in: Breaking Circles 1991; (p. 175-181) -
Patrick White and the Aesthetics of Death
single work
— Appears in: LiNQ , vol. 15 no. 2 1987; (p. 2-14) The Pathos of Distance 1992; (p. 290-303) -
Mandala Symbolism in the Novels of Patrick White
single work
— Appears in: The Commonwealth Review , vol. 7 no. 1 1995-1996; (p. 117-123) -
Patrick White: An International Perspective
single work
— Appears in: Breaking Circles 1991; (p. 182-196) -
God, History, and Patrick White
single work
— Appears in: Antipodes , December vol. 19 no. 2 2005; (p. 172-176) Examines Patrick White's treatment of theology and its role in post-World War II Australian life.
- 1961 winner Miles Franklin Literary Award
- Male / female relationships
- Conflicts
- Marriage
- Illusions
- Alienation
- Identity
- Spirituality
- Mysticism
- Innocence
- Guilt
- Cruelty
- World War II
- Criticism
- Suburbs
- Anti-semitism
- Jewish people
- Judaism
- Aboriginal-White relations
- Good & evil
- Artists
- Aboriginal art
- Materialism
- Rebirth & renewal
- Social life
- Social conformity
- Strangers & outsiders
- Suffering
- Refugees & displaced persons
- Migrant assimilation
- Sydney, New South Wales,
cPoland,cEastern Europe, Europe,
cGermany,cWestern Europe, Europe,
- ca. 1930-1960