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y separately published work icon The Fortunes of Richard Mahony single work   novel   historical fiction  
Alternative title: Australia Felix
Is part of The Fortunes of Richard Mahony Henry Handel Richardson , 1917 series - author novel
Issue Details: First known date: 1917... 1917 The Fortunes of Richard Mahony
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'He had never got within measurable distance of what he called life, at all…deep down in him, he knew, was an enormous residue of vitality…It was like a buried treasure, jealously kept for the event of his one day catching up with life: not the bare scramble for a living that here went by that name, but Life with a capital L.

'Richard Mahony is a restless man. Ballarat, England, Melbourne, Europe, the bush: elsewhere is always better.

'Searching for a place, a meaning, a life, Mahony and his wife Mary journey from wealth to poverty, order to chaos, sanity to the asylum. The Fortunes of Richard Mahony is a towering novel.' (Publication summary)




  • Dedication: To W. L. R.

Affiliation Notes

  • Associated with the AustLit subset Australian Literary Responses to 'Asia' as the work contains references to Chinese people.

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Heinemann ,
      1917 .
      image of person or book cover 2277348672259464948.jpg
      This image has been sourced from online.
      Extent: 406p.
      Reprinted: 1917 Second impression November 1917. , 1929 Reissued June 1929.
      • Title page title: The Fortunes of Richard Mahony by Henry Handel Richardson

        Two pages previous to title page: Australia Felix: I. : The Fortunes of Richard Mahony.

      • 'End of book one.' (p. 406.)
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      Henry Holt ,
      1917 .
      Extent: 445p.
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      W. W. Norton ,
      1930 .
      Alternative title: Australia Felix
      Extent: 483p.
      • Dedication: To M. L. R.
      • Epigraph: 'Every man is not only himself; are lived over again; the world is now as it was in ages past; there was none then, but there hath been some one since, that parallels him, and is, as it were, his revived self.' Religo Medici.
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Fortunes of Richard Mahony : Comprising Australia Felix, The Way Home, Ultima Thule Henry Handel Richardson , London : Heinemann , 1930 Z472111 1930 selected work novel historical fiction

    The Fortunes of Richard Mahony was 'first published as a sequence. Australia Felix, the first volume, which covers twelve years of Richard Mahony’s life from the early 1850s, was published in 1917; The Way Home, which deals with his subsequent eight years, appeared in 1925; and Ultima Thule, the final volume covering his last four years, in 1929. The novel was first published as a trilogy in 1930.'

    Australia Felix 'begins the story of Richard Mahony, a 28-year-old medical graduate of Edinburgh University and now the keeper of a general store in Ballarat'. Part one of the novel 'follows Mahony’s career until his marriage; the second part deals with the Eureka Stockade, the growth of the varied society of Ballarat and legal hearing in Melbourne'. It 'concludes with Mahony’s decision to start a practice in Ballarat instead of returning to England'. In parts three and four, 'Richardson extends her panoramic picture of a dynamic colonial society in which individuals are subject to great reversals or advances of fortune'.

    The Way Home begins with Mahony’s 'arrival in England and concludes with his final, second return to Australia, as a ruined man. In the intervening years he grows disillusioned with English society, returns to Australia to find his investments have made him suddenly rich, attempts to settle into the wealthy community of Melbourne and becomes the father of three children'. His sojourn in England leads to the discovery that he is uncomfortable with the ‘offensive and cramping’ English social hierarchy.

    Ultima Thule picks up the story with Mahony’s 'return to Australia, his attempts to establish himself as a medical practitioner, first in Melbourne and then at Barambogie, a small town in northern Victoria'. When Mahony’s skills as a doctor as increasingly questioned, the family moves to the coast and later to Gymgurra where Mahony’s wife, Mary, 'secures a position as postmistress'. Mahony is moved to a private nursing home, then to a government asylum and finally returns home. He is 'devotedly cared by Mary, until paralysis incapacitates his body. After his death he is buried in the local cemetery, within sound of the sea'.

    Source: The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature. 2nd. ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1994: 294-295.

    Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2012
    pg. 1-383
When preparing the Richard Mahony trilogy for publication by Heinemann in the omnibus edition, Richardson significantly revised each novel to remove repetition and improve narrative unity. In this process, around 12,000 words were cut from Australia Felix and thousands of changes were made to the other volumes. (The Letters, vol.2, p. 171.)
  • Appears in:
    y separately published work icon The Fortunes of Richard Mahony : Comprising Australia Felix, The Way Home, Ultima Thule Henry Handel Richardson , London : Heinemann , 1930 Z472111 1930 selected work novel historical fiction

    The Fortunes of Richard Mahony was 'first published as a sequence. Australia Felix, the first volume, which covers twelve years of Richard Mahony’s life from the early 1850s, was published in 1917; The Way Home, which deals with his subsequent eight years, appeared in 1925; and Ultima Thule, the final volume covering his last four years, in 1929. The novel was first published as a trilogy in 1930.'

    Australia Felix 'begins the story of Richard Mahony, a 28-year-old medical graduate of Edinburgh University and now the keeper of a general store in Ballarat'. Part one of the novel 'follows Mahony’s career until his marriage; the second part deals with the Eureka Stockade, the growth of the varied society of Ballarat and legal hearing in Melbourne'. It 'concludes with Mahony’s decision to start a practice in Ballarat instead of returning to England'. In parts three and four, 'Richardson extends her panoramic picture of a dynamic colonial society in which individuals are subject to great reversals or advances of fortune'.

    The Way Home begins with Mahony’s 'arrival in England and concludes with his final, second return to Australia, as a ruined man. In the intervening years he grows disillusioned with English society, returns to Australia to find his investments have made him suddenly rich, attempts to settle into the wealthy community of Melbourne and becomes the father of three children'. His sojourn in England leads to the discovery that he is uncomfortable with the ‘offensive and cramping’ English social hierarchy.

    Ultima Thule picks up the story with Mahony’s 'return to Australia, his attempts to establish himself as a medical practitioner, first in Melbourne and then at Barambogie, a small town in northern Victoria'. When Mahony’s skills as a doctor as increasingly questioned, the family moves to the coast and later to Gymgurra where Mahony’s wife, Mary, 'secures a position as postmistress'. Mahony is moved to a private nursing home, then to a government asylum and finally returns home. He is 'devotedly cared by Mary, until paralysis incapacitates his body. After his death he is buried in the local cemetery, within sound of the sea'.

    Source: The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature. 2nd. ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1994: 294-295.

    London : Heinemann , 1930
    pg. 3-405
    Note: Omnibus editions of the series were also published and reprinted by Norton and Penguin. Follow the link to the omnibus edition for further details.
    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Melbourne, Victoria,: Toronto, Ontario,
      Heinemann ,
      1960 .
      Alternative title: Australia Felix
      Extent: 341p.
      Reprinted: 1962 , 1963
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      W. W. Norton ,
      1962 .
      Alternative title: Australia Felix
      Extent: 466p.
    • Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,: Penguin , 1971 .
      Alternative title: The Fortunes of Richard Mahony: Australia Felix
      Extent: xxvii, 376 p.p.
      Reprinted: 1975 , 1981 , 1978
      • Introduction by Leonie Kramer.
      ISBN: 014003386

Other Formats

Works about this Work

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— Appears in: Griffith Review , no. 76 2022;
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— Appears in: All About Books , 10 November vol. 9 no. 11 1937; (p. 172)

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— Appears in: The North Queensland Register , 15 February 1930; (p. 40)

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An Australian Trilogy 1929 single work review
— Appears in: The Brisbane Courier , 23 February 1929; (p. 22)

— Review of The Fortunes of Richard Mahony Henry Handel Richardson , 1917 single work novel
Untitled Angela Meyer , 2012 single work review
— Appears in: The Lifted Brow , no. 14 2012; (p. 25)

— Review of The Fortunes of Richard Mahony Henry Handel Richardson , 1917 single work novel
The Books That Made Us 1995 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 19-20 August 1995; (p. rev 1-2)

— Review of My Brother Jack : A Novel George Johnston , 1964 single work novel ; The Lucky Country Donald Horne , 1964 single work non-fiction ; Joe Wilson and His Mates Henry Lawson , 1901 selected work short story ; My Brilliant Career Miles Franklin , 1901 single work novel ; Monkey Grip Helen Garner , 1977 single work novel ; Voss : A Novel Patrick White , 1957 single work novel ; The Fortunes of Richard Mahony Henry Handel Richardson , 1917 single work novel
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— Appears in: Southern Stories, Poems and Paintings 1945; (p. 5-17)
Surveys, from a socialist perspective, some key figures in Australian literary history in their contribution to the growth of a 'democratic' Australian literature and a multicultural literary community.
Some Comments on the Style of The Fortunes of Richard Mahony and Voss 黄源深 , 1995 single work criticism
— Appears in: A Unique Literature : A Critical View of Australian Literary Works 1995; (p. 163-175)
Some Australian Books Victor Kennedy , 1932 single work criticism
— Appears in: Northern Affairs , 4 March vol. 1 no. 11 1932; (p. 16-17)
Kennedy identifies what he considers to be the best Australian novels.
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— Appears in: Etchings , no. 2 2007; (p. 164-173)
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Henry Handel Richardson Jane Mander , 1929 single work biography
— Appears in: The Home , 1 June vol. 10 no. 6 1929; (p. 28, 72)
'A further emphasis on the significance of this Australian novelist, together with an interview with her for "The Home".' (appears under title)
Last amended 26 Nov 2024 09:44:10
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