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Kathryn England Kathryn England i(A41427 works by)
Gender: Female
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1 I'm Not Afraid Kathryn England , 2022 single work short story
— Appears in: School Magazine. Blast Off! , May vol. 107 no. 4 2022; (p. 20-22)
1 y separately published work icon Something Broken Something Fixed Kathryn England , Davilyn Lynch (illustrator), Capalaba : Wombat Books , 2022 23698910 2022 single work picture book children's

'Amy likes to make things. Sometimes she uses broken things for parts. Sometimes things get broken. When her brother Finn goes looking for her, he follows a trail of broken objects from the house to the backyard, fixing items along the way. But what has his creative little sister been making?' (Publication summary)

1 No Homework! Kathryn England , 2019 single work short story
— Appears in: School Magazine. Orbit , March vol. 104 no. 2 2019; (p. 30-33)
1 y separately published work icon Petal and the Really Hard Riddle Kathryn England , Armidale : Christmas Press , 2019 16945851 2019 single work children's fiction children's 'Petal’s father likes to boast about his daughter. According to him she can do anything. One day, a particularly over-the-top boast about her spinning skill makes its way across the land into the King’s ear and Petal is brought to the palace. The King orders Petal to demonstrate her skill. With no hope of doing what her father says she can do, Petal agrees to a deal offered by a tricky old man who will carry out the task if she can answer a really hard riddle. But surely it can’t be that hard, can it?

A lively, funny take on Rumpeltstiltskin.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon The Dream Dragon Kathryn England , Valeria Issa (illustrator), California : Xist Publishing , 2015 20567405 2015 single work picture book children's

'A dragon protects a child’s dreams from nightmares in this picture book perfect for bedtime.

'Bedtime stories inspires a series of dream protectors for a little boy. The dream dragon keeps the nightmares away and is joined by dinosaurs, pirates, super heroes and more in the quest to keep nighttime safe.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Mirrors Kathryn England , Clayton : Blake Education , 2013 Z1934368 2013 single work children's fiction children's fantasy 'When her dad picks up a set of dusty, old mirrors at a garage sale, Jess sees things in them -- a movement out of the corner of her eye, a wisp of smoke ... Before long Jess realises she is watching history unfold through the mirrors, the fate of a whole family from decades ago. Can they see her as well? Can she stop the tragedy heading their way from the future? When it's time to act, Jess must confront her own fears.' (Publisher's blurb)
1 y separately published work icon Desert Gold Kathryn England , Clayton : Blake Education , 2013 Z1934355 2013 single work children's fiction children's 'Brothers Jay and Luke are forced to land their light plane in the desert. While waiting to be rescued, they chat about the legend of Harold Lasseter and his reef of gold. Jay is fascinated by Lasseter and, back home on the cattle station, becomes convinced that his great-grandfather was connected to the legend. He persuades his brother to return to the desert to do some fossicking of their own... ' (Publisher's blurb)
1 y separately published work icon Jed Kathryn England , Clayton : Blake Education , 2013 Z1934306 2013 single work children's fiction children's 'Harry has to protect his dog after it breaks the farm rules.'
1 Untitled Kathryn England , 2013 single work review
— Appears in: Magpies : Talking About Books for Children , March vol. 28 no. 1 2013; (p. 36-37)

— Review of Song for a Scarlet Runner Julie Hunt , 2013 single work children's fiction
1 1 y separately published work icon Katie & the Leprechaun Kathryn England , Frenchs Forest : New Frontier , 2012 6427193 2012 single work children's fiction children's fantasy

'Katie is surprised to discover a feisty leprechaun lurking in her local park. Together they go off on an adventure to hunt down the ideal footwear for a leprechaun shoe maker.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 Untitled Kathryn England , 2011 single work review
— Appears in: Magpies : Talking About Books for Children , September vol. 26 no. 4 2011; (p. 32)

— Review of Vampyre Margaret Wild , 2011 single work picture book
1 1 y separately published work icon T-Rex's Terrible Tooth Kathryn England , Ben Redlich (illustrator), Mascot : Koala Books , 2010 Z1722640 2010 single work picture book children's This T-Rex is a fearsome carnivore - until he gets a terrible pain in his tooth. What can he do? A passing bronosaurus comes to his rescue. But when the terrible tooth finally comes out, is it time for all the other dinosaurs to run? (Libraries Australia).
1 y separately published work icon Sami's Genies Kathryn England , Camberwell : Puffin , 2008 Z1519931 2008 single work children's fiction children's
1 y separately published work icon Grandfather's Wrinkles Kathryn England , Richard McFarland (illustrator), New York (City) : Flashlight Press , 2007 20567315 2007 single work picture book children's

'In a conversation with his toddler granddaughter Lucy, Grandfather explains the origin of each of the “crinkles” on his “crunchy” face: “Every time I smiled an extra big smile, I got a wrinkle to show for it.”

'Grandfather’s memories of these happy events — his wedding day, when his daughter (Lucy’s mother) was born, his daughter’s wedding day, and more — are shown in full-spread illustrations, alternating with close-ups of Lucy on Grandfather’s lap. Her pudgy fingers softly tracing each crease intriguingly contrast with the lined old skin on his face. Grandfather’s newest wrinkles, of course, were acquired when he smiled so hugely on the day that Lucy was born.

'After hearing this sweet, simple story, children will be delighted to use Lucy’s method to learn more about their own grandparents’ memories, and adults will view their wrinkles in a fresh new light.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Archie Cupid and Lizzie Imp Kathryn England , Camberwell : Penguin , 2006 Z1338552 2006 single work children's fiction children's When Archie Cupid's arrow strikes naughty Lizzie Imp an unlikely alliance is formed.
1 y separately published work icon Saving Arthur Kathryn England , South Melbourne : Lothian , 2005 23113986 2005 single work children's fiction children's fantasy 'Ingeniously written around the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, this book follows Casey's time travel quest to save the 6-year-old Arthur from drowning in a river, thus keeping the legend alive. Ages 8+.' (Publication summary)
1 y separately published work icon Rebjorn Kathryn England , South Melbourne : Lothian , 2004 Z1145044 2004 single work children's fiction children's fantasy

'Carrying on from where New Bjorn left off, Rebjorn rejoins our heroes Erik Nerdenburger and Bjorn Berg, after they successfully reversed the spell of an enchantress that turned Bjorn into a moose. Now restored to his Viking glory, Bjorn is ready for further adventures with his trusty sidekick. This time Bjorn wants to get a guernsey in the Viking Limbpicks, a bizarre sporting contest that requires competitors to choose a certain limb for each of three events. Bjorn wants to uphold the honour of his clan, the Jerks, but he also wants to impress his romantic interest, Erica.' (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon New Bjorn Kathryn England , South Melbourne : Lothian , 2002 Z992171 2002 single work children's fiction children's adventure

'Erik the Viking's father, the fierce Head Nerd, and the entire clan have been kidnapped. But Erik isn't interested in swinging spiky balls and swords, so how on earth is he going to save his father from the Dorks and the Jerks?' (Publication summary)

1 Blink Kathryn England , 2002 single work children's fiction children's
— Appears in: Tricks and Traps 2002; (p. 19-34)
1 The Riddle Kathryn England , 2002 single work children's fiction children's science fiction
— Appears in: Quests and Tests 2002; (p. 33-47)