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'I have written elsewhere that we need the transformative power of art, any art, in order for life to be endurable. (This is not original; Nietzsche more or less said the same.) In ‘being, its own reward’, I say that ‘I have no power of observation, and mere description (mimetic simile) leaves me cold’, for I believe in potential literature, the potential of literature. This is especially true of conceptual poems, such as these contained here, although I have splashed a few similes about (who could live without ‘like’?). I also said in my poem that ‘[p]oetry, like water, is necessary for life to flourish. Like breath. Unpredictable’. Anaïs Nin saw the journey of art in terms of a solar barque (commun[icat]ion); John Ashbery, a psychopomp (communicator) – and André Breton had his ‘communicating vessels’, where they, like most artists, called upon mythology to further their insights.
'I also mentioned in ‘being, its own reward’ that art does not replace life. I agree with T S Eliot on the ‘continual extinction of personality’, if he meant autobiographical or so-called confessional poems, and with Voltaire, who said that poetry was the music of the soul. The conceptual poems here ‘forget the currents’, whatever the vogue is nowadays, instead finding their ‘own level, above and below consciousness.’ Being is its own reward. Words are empty vessels for the reader to fill. We do not need (auto)biography. Is not poetry a journey, an odyssey or an exploration of sorts? I end (my poem) by saying ‘[w]ithout poetry, we are deluded; we should surely grow older earlier.’
–Javant Biarujia' (Publication summary)
Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of
Works about this Work
Poetry's Biodiversity
single work
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , August no. 383 2016; (p. 66-67)
— Review of She Woke & Rose 2016 selected work poetry ; Common Sexual Fantasies, Ruined 2016 selected work poetry ; Spelter to Pewter 2016 selected work poetry ; Koel 2016 selected work poetry ; Broken Teeth 2016 selected work poetry ; Lake 2016 selected work poetry -
A Whiff of Gunpowder
single work
— Appears in: Australian Poetry Journal , vol. 6 no. 2 2016; (p. 70-82)'Just one of the many really interesting trails that thread through the seeming wilds of Australian poetry over the last two or so decades (cripes, has it been that long?) is the slow, constant morphing one of Cordite. Sydney poets Adrian Wiggins and Peter Minter, founders of Cordite Poetry and Poetics Review, launched their first issue in 1997. After five issues in a broadsheet format and an oscillating editorship that included Margaret Cronin and Jennifer Kremmer, the editorship was handed over in 2005 to David Prater, whose key innovation was to appoint guest editors for mini- and, later, entire issues.'
“Mining Spelter to Pewter”
single work
— Appears in: Long Paddock , vol. 76 no. 1 2016;
— Review of Spelter to Pewter 2016 selected work poetry
Poetry's Biodiversity
single work
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , August no. 383 2016; (p. 66-67)
— Review of She Woke & Rose 2016 selected work poetry ; Common Sexual Fantasies, Ruined 2016 selected work poetry ; Spelter to Pewter 2016 selected work poetry ; Koel 2016 selected work poetry ; Broken Teeth 2016 selected work poetry ; Lake 2016 selected work poetry -
“Mining Spelter to Pewter”
single work
— Appears in: Long Paddock , vol. 76 no. 1 2016;
— Review of Spelter to Pewter 2016 selected work poetry -
A Whiff of Gunpowder
single work
— Appears in: Australian Poetry Journal , vol. 6 no. 2 2016; (p. 70-82)'Just one of the many really interesting trails that thread through the seeming wilds of Australian poetry over the last two or so decades (cripes, has it been that long?) is the slow, constant morphing one of Cordite. Sydney poets Adrian Wiggins and Peter Minter, founders of Cordite Poetry and Poetics Review, launched their first issue in 1997. After five issues in a broadsheet format and an oscillating editorship that included Margaret Cronin and Jennifer Kremmer, the editorship was handed over in 2005 to David Prater, whose key innovation was to appoint guest editors for mini- and, later, entire issues.'