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World War I in Australian Literary Culture
From the first shot to the centenary
(Status : Public)
Coordinated by WW1 Project
  • Research Insights

    The following are a series of short, self-contained research pieces that have come about as a result of the World War I project.

    Click on the tiles below to read each piece.

    Some of this content originally appeared on the AustLit blog. It is an evolving series and more research insights will be added here as the year progresses.

    • Bean Countered

      In the early months of 1915, soldier-poet Frank Westbrook became involved in a newspaper slanging match with official Australian war correspondent Charles Bean.
    • Dorothy Frances McRae

      Dorothy Frances McCrae was one of the many patriotic poets whose stirring verses appeared in Australian newspapers and magazines in the early months of WWI.
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      Picturing World War I


      'Brentomnan' was one of the many soldier writers of World War I. He served as a stretcher bearer with the Light Horse Field Ambulance at Gallipoli and then in Egypt and Palestine.

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