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AustLit for Schools
An Essential Resource
(Status : Public)
Coordinated by Teaching
  • Professional Development Events

    AustLit has a strong history of teaching-focused Professional Development events, with associated publications and teaching resources.

    We encourage you to explore the outcomes from our past events below. Contact us to sign up to an email alert list.

  • Past PDs - Explore the resources

  • 152

    Teaching with Fantasy: Australian Fantasy Writers in Conversation and in the Classroom

    (23 February 2018 at The University of Queensland)

    The Teaching with Fantasy workshop directly targets the requirement in the Australian Curriculum: English for students to be reading and analysing a range of texts, to include fantasy and speculative fiction, including literature from Australia.

    Explore the amazing resources from the event on the Teaching with Fantasy site.

  • 158

    Teaching with BlackWords: Best Practice for Teaching with Indigenous Stories

    (22 November 2017, The University of Queensland)

    Have you ever felt concerned, awkward about, or ill-prepared to teach Indigenous authored texts and issues in your classroom?

    Would you like advice on how to respectfully use Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander stories and history in your teaching?

    Do you think your teaching could benefit from a deeper understanding of the concerns and issues that First Nations writers address in their work?

    The Teaching with BlackWords PD for teachers held in November 2017 was an opportunity for teachers to explore and discuss best practice methods of bringing Indigenous stories into the classroom.

    Explore the Teaching with BlackWords page for resources resulting from the event.

    BlackWords on Tour

    (Mount Isa, Rockhampton, Yarrabah, Thursday Island, and Brisbane, 2019.)

    See more information on these events.

  • Other PD Resources and Events

  • The BlackWords Book Club


    Are you interested in exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences in historical and contemporary settings through great books and stories?

    We invite you to join UQ’s first Stories for Reconciliation Club.

    The group has no political or religious affiliations and people from all backgrounds with an interest in

    • engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature, film, documentaries, and other stories

    • expanding their knowledge and understanding of current and historical Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences, are welcome.

    We plan to meet and discuss a book that has relevance to Indigenous experience every 6-8 weeks in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.


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